Volunteer at the SPCA

Volunteers make the world go round!

Our volunteers are passionate, engaging, and inspired advocates for the animals in our shelter. There are a number of volunteer positions we need to fill throughout the year, including caring for animals, cleaning the shelter, working the Thrift Store, and facilitating a number of fundraising events throughout the year.

New volunteers are always welcome, and there are many different ways to help

Evening Shelter Volunteer

While we have staff members who work seven days per week from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, our  evening shifts are covered by volunteers. Evening volunteers are essential to ensuring that all animals are properly cared for, while saving our funds for supplies.

Evening volunteers are responsible for bringing dogs to their outdoor runs, giving them fresh water, replacing bedding if needed, tidying any indoor mess, feeding and watering the cats, scooping litter boxes, and cleaning any mess in the cat rooms.

Volunteers also are responsible for giving medications such as eye cream or liquid medicine if they are needed. After these duties are completed, volunteers are free to spend one-on-one time with the animals. There is also the option to walk dogs, groom the animals, or help with extra shelter cleaning.

Shifts usually take one to two hours, depending on the number of animals at the shelter at a given time.

Evening volunteers can choose what time they would like to complete their duties but are asked to please keep in mind that the dogs shouldn’t be let back inside until after 9:00 pm or later (weather permitting).

Evening volunteers have the option to do weekly, bi-weekly, or casual volunteer shifts. The casual volunteers don’t have a regular shift each week but are available to cover shifts if the regular volunteers cannot make their shifts. All our volunteers must complete an orientation session and volunteer training. If you are interested in signing up and completing training, please apply below.

Daytime Shelter Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer at the shelter on a more casual basis, you may be interested in helping the staff during the day.

Daytime volunteers help the staff with cleaning duties, dog walking, animal grooming, and giving the animals much needed one on one time. If you are interested in helping out this way, complete the form below, or drop in to the shelter during viewing hours.

Thrift Store Volunteer

Love animals but have allergies? Or maybe you find working with animals a little challenging?

If you aren’t comfortable providing hands-on care to our animals, you can still help our furry friends by volunteering at our Thrift Store.

Our Thrift Store volunteers are responsible for restocking merchandise, serving customers, and accepting donations from the public. We also frequently have evening or Sunday “sorting sessions” where a group would volunteer a couple of hours organizing donations and restocking shelves.

Our store hours are 11am to 4pm from Monday to Saturday. Even committing to one day per month would be a great help!

You can apply by using the link below. We will be in touch and gladly answer any questions that you might have!

Get In Touch!

125 Huntley Drive

Clarenville, NL  A5A 4L1


Shelter: 709.466.3489

Thrift Store: 709.433.0004

Fax: 709.433.3080

Open Monday to Saturday 11am – 4pm

Our Mission

Our mission is to protect and care for animals that have no other shelter.

Our aim is to educate and encourage people to be responsible and loving pet owners.

Clarenville Area SPCA is a proud member of SPCA NL.