Adoption Policy

When considering adopting and animal from The Clarenville SPCA, the following policies must be adhered to:

You must be prepared to pay a fee. Adoption Fees are as follows:

  • Dog Adoption Fees $75.00 for an intact/un-spayed dog or puppy.
  • Cat Adoption Fees $50.00 for an intact/un-spayed cat or kitten.
  • Dog Adoption Fees $175.00 for a spayed/neutered dog or puppy.
  • Cat Adoption Fees $125.00 for a spayed/neutered cat or kitten.
  • Vaccines Fees $10.00 for each vaccine given
  • Deposit for intact animals (see below)
  • All adoption fees include de-worming of your pet.
  • Adoption fees are refundable for 7 days from adoption date unless extended with approval by the Clarenville Area SPCA’s Board of Directors.


Intact animals:

When adopting an animal that is intact (not spayed or neutered) we also require a deposit.

Puppy or dog deposit is $75

Cat or kitten deposit is $50


We will repay a deposit by cheque once we have confirmation from your veterinary clinic that your animal was spayed or neutered within the timeframes outlined below:

Adult dogs or cats – 2 months from adoption date

Puppies or kittens – once they reach 6 months of age


You must be prepared to offer appropriate living arrangements for your pet:

  • All adopted pets must be house pets, and not living outside for extended periods of time
  • You must understand that animals are a lifelong commitment that require time and financial obligations.
  • We cannot guarantee the health or temperament of an adopted pet. Some pets may not be housebroken or received training of any sorts.
  • All adopted pets are not to be re homed, sold or given away by the owners. If you are not able to keep your pet, the Clarenville SPCA must be contacted and we will decide if another home is suitable, or if the pet should be returned to our SPCA. You are not allowed to leave your pet with another SPCA or Rescue Group; you are required to return the pet to the Clarenville SPCA.
  • After adoption of your pet is complete, the animal is the responsibility of the adopter.
  • The SPCA, at any time, has the right to intervene if it is suspected that the animal is in any way being neglected, and/or abused. The SPCA reserves the right to remove the animal if the SPCA feels the animal is not being properly looked after. Also, the SPCA reserves the right to have access to any animal adopted, at any time.
  • Pets are not to be adopted out as gifts for others, unless special permission is granted.


About the application:

  • We will need to speak to all adults in your household before we can approve your adoption application.
  • References are required
  • ALL animals currently living in your home must be spayed/neutered before application can be approved.
  • We may also request medical history from your veterinary clinic
  • Permission from a landlord (if renting) must be obtained. A letter may be required.



The SPCA disclaims any responsibility for an animal or animals adopted from it. The SPCA does not warrant and cannot warrant the health, fitness, or temperament of the animal; and it makes no representations as to its health, fitness or temperament.

Should your Veterinarian determine that the animal is in poor health or that it is in need of treatment of any sort or that the destruction of the animal is required, the SPCA disclaims any responsibility to you for the health or costs of the animal or the costs of any such treatment or destruction. No warranties, express or implied exist.

Get In Touch!

125 Huntley Drive

Clarenville, NL  A5A 4L1


Shelter: 709.466.3489

Thrift Store: 709.433.0004

Fax: 709.433.3080

Open Monday to Saturday 11am – 4pm

Our Mission

Our mission is to protect and care for animals that have no other shelter.

Our aim is to educate and encourage people to be responsible and loving pet owners.

Clarenville Area SPCA is a proud member of SPCA NL.