We did obtain some information about her that her birthday is Oct 11th and she is now 6 yrs old. She is friendly with people and will purr when you pet her. She is okay with other cats here at the shelter and we are not sure about dogs at the moment.
She is fully vaccinated, dewormed, flea treated and is FELV/FIV tested & SPAYED!
Adopt the next member of your family in 4 steps:

Review our adoption policy and fees so you don't miss anything in your application.

Find an animal that suits your lifestyle and family arrangement for best results.

Submit your application, complete with references, pet history, confirmation letters, etc.

Once you have been approved, we will call for an appointment so you can bring them home!

Get In Touch!
125 Huntley Drive
Clarenville, NL A5A 4L1
Shelter: 709.466.3489
Thrift Store: 709.433.0004
Fax: 709.433.3080
Open Monday to Saturday 11am – 4pm
Our Mission
Our mission is to protect and care for animals that have no other shelter.
Our aim is to educate and encourage people to be responsible and loving pet owners.
Clarenville Area SPCA is a proud member of SPCA NL.

Aug 22/2023: Erika Ricketts- Bonavista 771-0942 said she was a stray, had 2 still born kittens. Found out after she was owned by Jennifer Eddy who moved away and gave the cat to Erika to look after. Her DOB is Oct 11/2017 & her name is Shelby.
Vaccines: Aug 28/23, Oct 11/23
Deworming: Aug 28/23, Jan 13/24
Revolution: Aug 30/23
FELV/FIV tested Negative & Spayed: Aug 29/23
Sept 1/23: Sneezing, cat flu.
Jan 23/2024: Adopted to Brenda Lodge – 468-6226/469-3115 – PO Box 129/1 Jeans Hill, Catalina, NL, A0C 1J0 – brenda.lodge@gmail.com